Congratulation to Shivam on his successful PhD defense at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Great job, Dr. Shukla, and wish you good luck with your future scientific career!

Congratulation to Shivam on his successful PhD defense at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Charles University, Prague. Great job, Dr. Shukla, and wish you good luck with your future scientific career!
We have co-authored a review article describing the development of low molecular weight urea-based theranostic radiotracers targeting human prostate-specific membrane…
In collaboration with Barb Slusher group (Johns Hopkins Drug Discovery, Baltimore, USA) we have published manuscript describing the discovery of…
Jana got her bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague! Congratulations, Bc. Nedvedova!! She also enroled in…
Congratulations to Tereza, who got the bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague! In her Master’s project,…
We have finally published the first manuscript on HDAC6 (more to come soon, stay tuned!:-). In collaboration with Kozikowski group,…
Warm welcome to Shivam, who joined our group as a prospective PhD student! With the background in biotechnology from the…
Kseniya presented a poster on HDAC6/tubulin interactions at the Joint Meeting of Czech and German Biophysicists in Huenfeld, Germany. Her…
Our lab, in collaboration with prof. Martasek (First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague), was awarded a grant by the…
Congratulations to Zorka, Petra and Bara on the manuscript in The Prostate describing four new monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing prostate-specific…
In collaboration with Martin Pomper group (Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, USA) we filed a USPTO describing the development of…